For Sarah | Teen Ink

For Sarah

December 20, 2013
By Jeffery.B BRONZE, Kapolei, Hawaii
Jeffery.B BRONZE, Kapolei, Hawaii
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I could never figure out, figure out oh why
I had never tried to talk to you or even say hi
The thought of someone like you is so close
Brings unexplainable joy to ones soul
Someone so stunning with dazzling eyes
Someone so beautiful she is beyond compare

When it comes down to it and you decide
I want you to think hard and wise
I will not hesitate or take back what is said
I will only stick by your side till the end

The author's comments:
I wrote this for a girl I liked, lets just say it ended before it started... So I thought I would share it with you.

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