Dark Angel on a White Angel Mountain. | Teen Ink

Dark Angel on a White Angel Mountain.

January 27, 2014
By P4TCM BRONZE, League City, Texas
P4TCM BRONZE, League City, Texas
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Why would you want to live just like everybody? EXPLORE YOUR IMAGINATION!"

She's my snow white angel so pure and light, no sin in her heart no impurity not my far and not in sight.
I'm her dark angel so impure and heavy, no purity in my heart and mind. No purity in your eyes or Gods eyes.
Undeserving but you still love me no matter what I do.

Your angel bretheren call for you, they beg you to leave but you refuse even when they tell you I'll leave. I'm not worthy but I love you still.
I'm a dark angel on your white angel mountain. Please forgive me for trespassing but I saw your face and fell in love.
I'm the Ying to your Yang
Your the key to my heart.
I fell for you from the start
the moment you captured my heart.

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