A Pssage Through the Life of a Man | Teen Ink

A Pssage Through the Life of a Man

November 7, 2008
By Anonymous

A Passage Through the Life of a Man

I used to be a small embryo in the stomach of my pregnant mom,
Then I turned in to a big, fat, nine pound baby,
I used to be a toddler learning my ABC’s,
Then I went to elementary and learned how to spell,

I used to be a “big boy” in the fifth grade,
Then I became the bottom of the food chain in middle school,
I used to think that my social life was more important then my education,
Then I got grounded,

I used to think that school was boring,
Now I’m in high school and look forward to going,
I used to think that hanging out with nerds was uncool,
Now I’m in college and they help me the most,

I used to think that taking notes in Professor James class was a was a waste of time,
Then I became a successful business man thanks to his notes,
I used to work for someone else,
Then I started my very own business,

I used to think that work was the most important,
Then I got married and had three beautiful children,
I used to think that my children would never grow up,
Then they moved out of the house, off to college,

I used to think I would never see my kids graduate,
Now they are accomplishing things I could only of dreamed of,
I never thought I would have grandchildren,
Then the next thing I know I have ten young ones running around my house,

I never thought that I would see my wife and I age,
Then we looked in the mirror and saw our wrinkled hand,
I never thought that I would have to wear glasses,
Now I can’t even see what’s in front of me,

I used to think I would never see the day that my wife die,
Now it seems like it was just yesterday,
I used to think I’d never see my her again,
Now I sit right beside her in heaven, looking down upon all my kids and grandchildren, greatful for the great life that I was given.

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