Get Away From You | Teen Ink

Get Away From You

March 3, 2014
By Wildheart347 SILVER, DeSoto, Missouri
Wildheart347 SILVER, DeSoto, Missouri
9 articles 0 photos 1 comment

I can’t wait to graduate
And get away from you
From your rude remarks
And constant barks
I can’t wait to get away from you

I can’t wait to graduate
And get away from you
From the mean things you say
And your stupid ways
I can’t wait to get away from you

I can’t wait to graduate
And get away from you
From your constant bickering
My fire is flickering
I can finally get away from you!

I want to get away from you!
Your simple ways
And long lasting ways
I can finally get away from you!

Now that I’m am away
I will always stay
Away from you

The author's comments:
Inspiration: Attitudes of other people, the fact that the little man doesn't get their two cents in, and what you can't/don't say to the "big man". Hope: Take these words to heart. Maybe you'll stand up to your bully and say these words.

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