Pacific Ocean | Teen Ink

Pacific Ocean

November 12, 2008
By Ali Cohen SILVER, Rockville, Maryland
Ali Cohen SILVER, Rockville, Maryland
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I’m trying to find some sort of comfort in myself, similar to what comfort I’ve found in the ocean
The wave’s stability, strength, and consistency in motion
A perfected practice and routine, executed timelessly
With no complaint from the break of the waves which continue on tirelessly
Imagine carrying the ocean’s secrets and having the restraint not to leak them
But when you already share so much with the world, it’s no wonder you’d keep them
Imagine being capable of so much healing without having to be taught
The healing salt and the, “shhh” of the waves crashing used to soothe someone’s chaotic thoughts
Imagine having the capability to cause destruction and demise
But instead using the power to rest and pacify minds
How fulfilling it would be, answering to something as beautiful as the moon in the night
And even as the tides sway sides they know they will end up alright
I’m trying to find some comfort in myself and synchronize my breathing with the ocean
But my mind is surrendering to my body and eyes can no longer stay open.

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