A Walk In My Backyard | Teen Ink

A Walk In My Backyard

April 4, 2014
By Amandaa_126 SILVER, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
Amandaa_126 SILVER, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
7 articles 0 photos 1 comment

The door clicks; just me, my puppy and the outdoors.

Like the soothing flute playing at my church the birds begin to sing and chirp.

Oak, maple, walnut. Millions of trees surround us
Pine scent tickles my nose

Turning on the path, gravel and dirt crunching beneath our feet. A deer dances out in front of the path.

Water trickling, Water rushing. The river flowing. Slowly I dip my toes in one at a time.
The icy cold water sending a shiver down my spine.

One. Big. Tree. That towers over the river with huge long branches. We climb and climb high enough just to jump into the water. Splash!

The sun begins to sink lower and lower in the sky, slowly
The outdoors. A beautiful beautiful place.

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