Anguish: The Bell's Carol | Teen Ink

Anguish: The Bell's Carol

March 30, 2014
By Jesternolonger SILVER, Port Moody, Other
Jesternolonger SILVER, Port Moody, Other
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The dry, torn petal falls strike the bell
Onto moist rocks so small strike the bell

The swells assail over the vast long seas
Attacking shores, dragging the sand, they crawl strike the bell

The bee, buzzing, it hits against, the glass
Encaged, by glass, with’ring within four walls: strike the bell

The twirls, oh ash, flying not bright, soar high
Reaching, to surge, avoid, the squall, strike the bell

The gunshots crack throughout the gloomy sky,
He shrieks; Akin, the reaper calls, strike the bell

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