Unidentified | Teen Ink


April 23, 2014
By Zaboomafoo BRONZE, Goodyear, Arizona
Zaboomafoo BRONZE, Goodyear, Arizona
2 articles 0 photos 2 comments

Favorite Quote:
"The only truth is that there are no absolute truths."

When I talk I'm so close-minded
All I wanna do is shop
I'm so clothes-minded
They tell me

But all I see are blurs
Blinded by vanity
The non-beliefs I have, I value
They tell me

Cake to them is challenge to me
I don't get it....
They tell me

I rarely get /rejected
But when I do, I feel like a misrepresentation
I have no morals, I don't know
But that is what they tell me

I don't know.
But I do have an identity

The author's comments:
A vanity slave who hides behind her good looks, not fully knowing herself, and not feeling smart enough or good enough. She tries to find her purpose in life.

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