Palace Of Leaves And Trees | Teen Ink

Palace Of Leaves And Trees

October 2, 2014
By KinoValkrie BRONZE, Clarkston, Michigan
KinoValkrie BRONZE, Clarkston, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

  Land Of Leaves And trees                              I step outside into my palace of leaves and trees                                                                                     The cold autumn air grazing my cheeks                                     I slip on my sneakers                                                            Warming my feet just a bit                                                        I make my way off the porch                                               Soft clunks of the old wooden porch breathing on my shoulder    I blink a few times and breathe in                                           the frosted air chilling my throat and kissing my lungs                 I turn my head to observe my surroundings                           The beautiful mixtures of orange, brown, and green “home…”     Making me feel at home                                                            in my palace                                                                         of leaves and trees~

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