Oversoul | Teen Ink


December 22, 2008
By StormPraiser91 SILVER, Spartanburg, South Carolina
StormPraiser91 SILVER, Spartanburg, South Carolina
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Honey child. You need to build a bridge, on top of your head, and get over yourself!" -my best friend Andiel

Let your head
Rest on my heart
And watch the sun
Give way to stars
Leave your tears
And pain behind
Just let your soul melt into mine

And let my heartbeat rock you
My body is your lullaby
And let my stirring wake you
As morning paints the sky

And as you wake
Still sealed to me
And watch the sun
Shine through the trees
You'll know we're bound
By boundless love
To nature and to God above

Each bit of God's Creation
Will join in its own way
With our own spirits' voices
Thanking Him for this new day

The author's comments:
Oversoul: the Transcendentalist concept of there being one great Soul, which encompasses God and Man and Nature all as one.

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