Time and Time | Teen Ink

Time and Time

November 5, 2014
By ThatFatCatSatontheMat BRONZE, Stafford, Virginia
ThatFatCatSatontheMat BRONZE, Stafford, Virginia
2 articles 0 photos 2 comments

Time and time go by and by,
Distant shadows, passing sky.

Nothing stops for me or you,
Old things replaced and made new.

You often think once alone,
Fading memories, irking tone.

Can't describe it, nor can you name,
Can't remember from where it came.

You have lost what made you smile,
Thrown away on a mountainous pile.

But do not worry, do not fret,
'Tis only human to forget.

But most important of it all,
Is to enjoy, all big and small.

For a memory gone, away with the wind,
Comes another, a new one. A new smile to begin.

The author's comments:

I often worry I'll forget a great memory or times of importance in my life and I have to remind myself that I shouldn't obsess over it. It's a fact that you'll forget some things, no matter how important as they may seem at the time. I simply remind myself that it's nature's own way of making room for newer, wonderful memories.

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