Religion to GUIDE, not to DIVIDE! | Teen Ink

Religion to GUIDE, not to DIVIDE!

December 2, 2014
By Avneet BRONZE, Mohali (Punjab), Other
Avneet BRONZE, Mohali (Punjab), Other
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

This world is full of people with different beliefs,

Some believe in god, some in angels and some in priests.

Hundreds and thousands of different religions,

Many leaders, many ways but the same thinking,

All trying to motivate a peaceful living.

Guru Nanak, Muhammad, Buddh, Christ,

Promoting peace and humanity they spent their lives.

It seems, to some, their sacrifices didn't sufficed,

'Cuz they're up against each other with swords and knives.

No religion is bad,

Its just the stereotypes that make me sad.

People have trailed from the true path of religion,

They've made it more of politics and they're the politicians.

Religion is about peace, humanity, love and happiness,

Not about guns, despise, war and nastiness.

To end all these wars, in the name of religion, if we decide,

We'll first have to overcome the demons in our hearts that reside.

It's time we realise that religion is meant to GUIDE,

Not to DIVIDE!

The author's comments:

Seeing the increasing number of wars and attacks in the name of religion made me really sad. Many people lost and many are still losing their lives because of such religional wars. According to me the true motive behind any religion is to ensure the peace of mind, body and soul but now-a-days it has resulted in the exact opposite. Its time we start thinking of everyone firstly as a human being not as a Muslim, Christian or any religion, whatsoever. 

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