My Crushing Sadness | Teen Ink

My Crushing Sadness

December 11, 2014
By BBCFangirl BRONZE, Las Vegas, Nevada
BBCFangirl BRONZE, Las Vegas, Nevada
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

OhMyMerlin! The baby was due

The minutes to wait become few

I nervously straightened my tie

The wall I lean on to rely

A child's cry could be heard and I knew


My smiling child would softly coo

And play happy games of peek-a-boo

Little did I know sickness was nigh

That beautiful little girl of mine


She became frail, she no longer grew

The sickness consumed her and death would too

We knew how it would end, how she would die

No longer playing, she lifelessly lie

Her spul with the angels she flew

That beautiful little girl of mine

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