Slam Poem- Dreams | Teen Ink

Slam Poem- Dreams

December 17, 2014
By Anonymous

What are dreams?

The book definition is contemplating the possibility of doing something

But I think it is more than that

Dreams shape your life and what you do with it

When children are young they're told always to chase their dreams

No matter what the cost

But as they grow other it become less about them and more about what their parents or what society wants

They turn into drones, doing as they're told so that they may fit in or mearly survive in this harsh world we have created

Everyday is the same, every step, every word the same as the day before following a similar pattern week after week like it has been mapped out without their input so they have no choice but to follow the mindless pattern

As this continues their dream gets cast awy into the dark corners of their mind, only to be touched in times of desperity, loneliness and fear

The hope that one day they may acheive this dream springs into their mind creating feelings that keep them moving in these times of desperation, loneliness and fear

But one does not realize they must put effort to make those dreams a reality

They wait patiently following their patterned map as if they're dream can make itself come true

Society shuts down all of their oppurtunities until the word dream is no longer what it could have been

Society molded them to no longer think what if but to think about what they were told

Society favors the rich and famous not the deviant delinquents who came from poor families

Society says you have no power without money

That the poor are just average, a nobody, someone wo wouldn't be missed

But society cannot control them

To me a dream is a goal, not a fantasy

It is a motiivation, not a single strand of hope inbedded in the back of your mind

It is more than a possibility and society cannot stop the average from chasing their dreams

They must be bold and break the curse of the patterned map because without it your dreams are reality

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