Personal Metaphor | Teen Ink

Personal Metaphor

January 16, 2015
By Jeremy24 GOLD, Peewaukee, Wisconsin
Jeremy24 GOLD, Peewaukee, Wisconsin
16 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The wind beats down on my soft exposed skin. Harder, Faster. the Cold wind blows in. The wind covers me like the bullies of my past. Too stand up just to fall again, but I keep trying relentlessly I will stand. I get up, As the wind howls and growls through my ears the children cry as the bullies cheer. The last stances for me I make, standing theres as the wind does quake. The Wind has halted the crowd is silent, I Stand again Unbroken, relentlessly I will stand until I fall as the wind roars in I will see the winners will win and the losers will lose.  As the Hard Fast Cold wind Blows in I Know who I am, and I am a winner.

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