Mother | Teen Ink


April 1, 2015
By Amberm20 BRONZE, Clarkston, Michigan
Amberm20 BRONZE, Clarkston, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

You walk heavily in front of me, questioning my every move.

Which I had begun to ignore those questions with a song.
Will you ever look back to look at my face?
I have my dignity if anything.

You walk with long strides grow long and steps so loud, I soon am far too behind to see you,
Never knowing when you will come back.
Will you come back to my tearful face?
I may be no more once you return.

You tried to deceive me with things, inanimate objects,
Using them to cover up the lies that you have said all your life.
Will you be saying these lies forever?
I don’t need an answer since it will just lead to more.

You went ahead to find new boyfriends, leaving me behind in the dark,
For the reason I shall never know.
Will you forgive me if I left?
I sit here and debate with myself.

You always criticize me without hearing the words I have said,
Though I end up believed those critical and violent words.
Will you ever change?
I keep hearing my fathers words ring in my mind saying, if it doesn’t benefit you then it doesn’t matter.

You have finally made it clear that I am the second choice.
If only you could see how you’re pushing me away with those scornful eyes looking up at me.
Will you ever walk the same path as me?
I hope one day you will find happiness, even though that is not what you gave me, happiness is what I gave myself.

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