The Dragon | Teen Ink

The Dragon

December 2, 2015
By LostCreations BRONZE, Sidney, Ohio
LostCreations BRONZE, Sidney, Ohio
3 articles 2 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Impossible is not a word. It is just a reason for someone not to try." - Unknown

Wings light as feathers
To endure any weather
Fire creeping up his throat
The village relies on hope
Flying higher than the clouds
In an attempt to burn the town
A brave man dressed all in white
Arrived in time to help them fight
With his sword so far
And shining brighter than a star
He fights for the village
The man in white revels in the midst of pillage
People’s shouts are drowned
As he has won the crown
And carries the body in a big, red wagon
The body of the fallen dragon

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