Town Square | Teen Ink

Town Square

November 27, 2015
By Cottonball24 BRONZE, Camarma De Esteruelas, Other
Cottonball24 BRONZE, Camarma De Esteruelas, Other
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

You’ll see some things that never were
While walking through the town square.
Seeing people laugh is never rare
For people dance and skip through the air
While walking through the town square.
You won’t see this everywhere
For people dance and skip through the air
Only through the town square.
You won’t see this everywhere
But it will be great, I swear.
Only through the town square
You’ll see some things that never were.

The author's comments:

I wrote this piece to express how someone feels when they walk through a place where he used to have really good times of happiness. He is walking through the town square realising these things no longer happen and he is starting to forget. These memories will soon no longer exist and so the experience itself will be gone.

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