The Worst | Teen Ink

The Worst

February 7, 2009
By PhalenSchuyler BRONZE, Clarksville, Maryland
PhalenSchuyler BRONZE, Clarksville, Maryland
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Bellowing thoughts in your mind
Screaming obscenities inside at passerby
Losing your calm and losing your cool
What's the worst that you could do?

Following the road that Robert Frost told you to take
Making probably your one greatest mistake
Running when it's best to tread carefully
Being so fragile that even the gentlest breeze knocks you off your feet
What's the worst that you could do?

Falling out of the sky when someone calls your name
Looking and acting the element of surprise when they engage you in conversation
Not knowing what the hell to say
Creating an awkward tension that you just want to escape
What's the worst that you could do?

Standing in the middle of a crowd
Knowing that your whole life has always been turning upside down
Watching the sun quickly shy away from your forbidden gaze
All hope starting to slip away suddenly
Wishing that the moon would go to Hell
And stop watching you so mournfully
Knowing that it knows exactly how you feel
When people turn in and leave you hanging alone
What's the worst that you could do?

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