The Forbidden Color | Teen Ink

The Forbidden Color

February 12, 2009
By Alyssa Lacis GOLD, Lincoln, North Dakota
Alyssa Lacis GOLD, Lincoln, North Dakota
12 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The color forbidden hath been spilt.
The monsters have risen again.
Demons of the mind shall haunt thee forever.
Sharp claws tearing...

Noah,thou shalt rise again!He who hath saved us this life!You have been forgiven,it is known that you did not know better!Leave in peace for you do not know what the unseeing Ivy knows.You are innocent in death,fear not the beyond;forsake these lies and move on.

Lucius,where does your mind hide? Whilst you are ill in bed? Hear now our prayers,oh dearest one;please don't slip away.Your loved ones dream of you.The unseeing Ivy will gain sight if only to save you.Might she brave the woods and all its creatures to help her beloved.

Elders speak you a false tongue.
You who hath spent years in lies to promote fear.
Doth thou not respect thineself?
Or are you too proud to admit the truth?
Elders,who will continue on after you;if you cannot tell the truth?

Dearest Ivy,unseeing Ivy;be safe from harm.
Lucius surely is dreaming of you,who hath held the sacred rocks.
Keep him in mind,feel his hand in yours;he shall lead you through the woods.

And when the unseeing Ivy returns,Noah has passed on;and Lucius has risen from his slumber;
Shall we continue misbelieving in the forbidden color:Red.

The author's comments:
This piece was written after watching The Village in English class.I fell in love with not only the movie itself, but the atmosphere which it projected. I was absolutly thrilled at how masterful it was in its simplicity. Definatly one of the 100 films to see before you die.

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