Rhyme Time | Teen Ink

Rhyme Time

February 12, 2016
By damla2001tr SILVER, Princeton, New Jersey
damla2001tr SILVER, Princeton, New Jersey
6 articles 1 photo 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;Did that sound to you like someone saying &#039;No, wait! Stop!&#039;?&quot; <br /> &quot;Huh...&quot; <br /> &quot;Oh well.&quot;

Greetings, I'm the poet!
Oh, nice to meet indeed.
Isn't this a nice change,
To be face to face?
Just you - the reader - and me.

As far as first impressions go,
I'm really not quick to brag.
But let me inform you,
I'm (one of) the best
At poems - a notorious craft.

Read the last stanza, yes?
Some genius work of mine.
Have another look now,
From the place that you are,
And you'll notice I've written no rhyme.

There's a reason I say this, of course:
To get you to see
The huge lie you've been told -
The root of all problems,
Which you must avoid...

"Write 'beat' after 'seat',
"To know all will be pleased -
"It looks very pleasant,
"And rhyming is sweet."

Hey, want in on a secret?
Not everything meets the eye.
Just sing it and swing it -
Hell, even serenade it!
One day you'll get what I mean.

To the fans of perfect rhyme:
I'm a poet, not half machine.

The author's comments:

One of the endings that I have been most proud of in any of the poems that I've ever written is this one, due to the double meaning and the harmony of the way in which the words fit together to create a sense of conclusion.

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