An Ode to the Outdoors | Teen Ink

An Ode to the Outdoors

March 7, 2016
By kingsmart21 SILVER, Paris, Tennessee
kingsmart21 SILVER, Paris, Tennessee
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The sun shimmers its radiant rays o’er the land
Once controlled by the darkness of night
Now liberated by the light
Of day, spreading its warmth among man
As a fiery orb, as a single star, shining the world in its might.


The sky surrounds ships floating where’er they go.
‘Twas an infinite ocean of blue,
An astonishing azure, a brilliant hue.
Clouds of cotton, as white as fresh snow,
Drift off gracefully into the distance as gentle gusts grew.


The wind’s an invisible, powerful force.
The rustling leaves quake in its path.
The tremendous trees sway in its wild, windy wrath.
Launching arrows of chills o’er the course
Of its trail, the wind plunges inhabitants in a cold bath.


The birds squawk in midair, and their cries heard aloud.
They fly through the sky in a V,
Getting faster and faster and faster and free.
As they soar through the air, through the clouds,
They head north, from their winter vacation, the shining south seas.


The weirdly warm winter day was at its best.
The wind sends chills throughout my spine.
As I bask in the warmth of the rays of sunshine,
I observe nature’s beauty, its finest.
As I take in the wondrous outdoors, I relax and recline.

The author's comments:

I got the inspiration for this poem when it was a warm January day, unusual at that time of season. When I just sat outside, I gazed up into the sky, observing the beauty of nature. It was the most beautiful day I have ever seen, which gave me the inspiration for this poem. I want readers to be transported to that day and be immersed into the outdoors in this calm and soothing poem.


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