He’s Always By My Side | Teen Ink

He’s Always By My Side

March 17, 2016
By kyle_hoeppner SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
kyle_hoeppner SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Tension grows step by step.
The pain, one can never forget.
Uproar amongst the cluttered streets.
But he’s always by my side, you and me.

Roman rule, strong in hand,
Ravaging through with command.
Onward to Golgotha, can’t you see?
But he’s always by my side, you and me.

Brutality broadcasts over the city.
People spectate with pity.
Lifeless aloft is he,
But he’s always by my side, you and me.

Darkness rolls, outside Jerusalem’s walls.
The earth shakes, tremble from them all.
Ascending into glorious Heaven is thee,
But he’s always by my side, you and me.

His heart, filled with love,
with God watching from up above.
Jesus forgives them, don’t you see?
And he is with you, always; yes, indeed.

The author's comments:

This piece is a sonnet that tells of Jesus' death and that he will continue to be by our side.

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