Friendship | Teen Ink


April 11, 2016
By amalsufiah BRONZE, Seremban, Other
amalsufiah BRONZE, Seremban, Other
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Friend is someone like you
Always by my side, no matter what
When I’m depressed, disappointed
You’ll always be here, beside me.

Friend is someone that cares
All about me is important to you
You lend me your shoulder
It’s either to cry on or laugh
And you’ve been dedicated this song
Especially for me
“Cry on My Shoulder”, and of course
The lyrics touch my heart, and
You’ll always be here, supporting me.

Friend is someone that understands
You understand how I feel
My happiness, sadness and even anger
You’ve never blame me for irritating you
Because you’ve tried so hard
To be tolerant, and I just want you to know
You’re my bosom friend, because
You’ll always be here, adjacent to me.

Friend is someone that everyone can count on
Just like the song “Count on Me”
Your favorite, sang by Bruno Mars
And even the lyrics told us that
You can count on me like 1, 2, 3
And I can count on you like 4, 3, 2
And we’ll be there to help each other
Yes, when we’re in need
We can count on each other
Just like what I did, and now you’re here
You’ll always be here, in my mind.

Friend, let’s make a deal
Where ever we go
We’ll never forget each other
Because we’re meant together
As friends and siblings
And memories remain in our hearts.

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