Where i'm from | Teen Ink

Where i'm from

April 18, 2016
By kennidi.t BRONZE, Robinson, Texas
kennidi.t BRONZE, Robinson, Texas
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I am from Disney,
from dumb cartoons and late night movies from the past.
I am from before the addiction of phones and video games,
from playing outside till the sun goes down.
I am from BeetleJuice and Hocus Pocus,
Movies that were meant to be scary but never were.

I am from freshly baked cookies, from more love than you could ever imagine. From the house of Nana and Papa.
I am from “Don’t throw the first punch” and “ Try your best”.
I am from “For I know the plans I have for you”,
from sunday school and praise and worship.

I am from waking up early saturday to watch cartoons with Papa while Nana makes pancakes. From the tree house we built together when I was only 10.
I remember trying to bungee jump with a rope on a tree and screaming for help.

I am from the box of pictures under my bed, from the memories of the times when my family was closer. The time when I felt free and happy. When I knew that people were there for me when I needed it and even more so when I didn’t want it. I know where i’m from and I am proud of that

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