My one Regret | Teen Ink

My one Regret

April 26, 2016
By MaliyahG BRONZE, West Chester, Ohio
MaliyahG BRONZE, West Chester, Ohio
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I’m sorry for the bad things I’ve done
Or rude things I’ve said
I wish I could take them back so I don’t feel this Tsunami of regret
I want to make things right even though you’re gone
Now you’re always in my head
On replay like a song.
Mom says it will be ok but what she says is wrong
If only you could come back just for one day
Then I could say what I still feel, and then we can be good for real
I feel you watch over me, I wish I could see you.
No matter what my feelings for you have always been true
I love you; you love me
I know that’s nothing new.

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