where do i belong in this world | Teen Ink

where do i belong in this world

February 26, 2009
By hello BRONZE, Jersey City, New Jersey
hello BRONZE, Jersey City, New Jersey
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

well hey its me.. and this morning and i asked myself.. where do i belong in this world?...really dont like to question life cause older people tell me to just live it.. but how is that everytime i learn to enjoy myself in lifes hands... i always ended up with broken dream and a crushed heart....i learn to tell myself that a dream is a wish your heart makes....dont get me worng i love life yes i do...but sometimes i stop me world and just sit in my room thinking about what life has to offer me...dont tell me im young and i have so much to live for because now a days thats not true...when i turn on the tv and watch the news i see everyday a young lady or a young man has died and only lord knows why....so anyways back to this morning as i wash my face and brushed my teeth...i was still asking myself where do i belong in this world...i got an answer i belong here to help...with my talents...im here to live my dreams....see im just a teen living out what life has in store for me...WHERE DO I BELONG IN THIS WORLD? i belong to being FREE!

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