A brighter future | Teen Ink

A brighter future

May 30, 2016
By RubyChang BRONZE, Vietnam, Other
RubyChang BRONZE, Vietnam, Other
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

A healthy little baby
Is what all parents wish
A happy ever after ending
Is what everyone desires

But there are
millions of voices

to live a life
to see what hasn’t met their eyes
to smell what hasn’t met their nose
to see what the world is like.

Without a heart
How can we live?

Without a life
How can there be happy enddings?

Help the kids
To survive

give them a chance

Help the kids
To educate

For a brighter future.

The author's comments:

This poem is for people to think about how lucky they are... but there are thousands of people who needs help, and we should help them.. for a brighter future.

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