Story Of A Girl | Teen Ink

Story Of A Girl

March 1, 2009
By Sasha-Bear PLATINUM, Lockhart, Texas
Sasha-Bear PLATINUM, Lockhart, Texas
32 articles 0 photos 8 comments

Her lip bleeds the screams of a life's unspoken tears. Her face finds peace in the cover-up of a lover's fears. He speaks to her in poems, whispers in her ear and at night he loves her with a fist, she's loved in her fear. She awakens to his loving screams falls asleep in her loving pain. deep inside she whispers, where not even she can hear: I'm falling for a broken home with death in his eyes. She lies to herself calling pain a sacrifice. She's loved and she's welcomed, she has to pay the price. She lives in her secrets, loves in the pain. Secluded, not forgotton, forever in his flame.


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