Death Day | Teen Ink

Death Day

March 5, 2009
By Carol BRONZE, Weslaco, Texas
Carol BRONZE, Weslaco, Texas
3 articles 1 photo 33 comments

Death Day

The day has come when all will fall, and I'll be there to watch it all.

They'll yell and weep for pity's sake, and I will watch in my wake.

Screams fill the air around, as blood covers all the ground.

I smell the air longingly, but I must wait quietly.

Screams subsided, cry's gone quiet, only I am now standing with a blood will demanding.

Yum'''..I lick my lips in delight, and look at the beautiful, bloody sight.

I begin to dine on the delicious feast, and laugh because I'm such a wondrous beast.

Stomach full with salty sweet meat, I howl to the moon in glorious retreat.

I grin in victory, my teeth shining ruby bright red.

The monster has fed, but soon the rest shall fall dead.

The author's comments:
Hmm, i think i wrote this piece two years ago. Though, i revised it a bit.


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