The slap | Teen Ink

The slap

October 31, 2016
By kaleiisok BRONZE, Grand Rapids, Michigan
kaleiisok BRONZE, Grand Rapids, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Parents in the basement, watching football all day
Trapped upstairs, boredom slowly taking my life away
Sister in her bedroom playing Xbox, nothing I can do
Maybe could I go into her bedroom to have a nice chat?
See where that leads to..

I walk inside, she says hello! welcomes me with a smile
Cheetos dust everywhere, I can tell she hasn’t left in a while
Watching her play Left for Dead, so much violence..
I say to myself, hmm time to break the silence!

With an evil smirk on my face I slowly look to my right
She pauses the game, looks at me, she says “wanna fight?!!?”
I say “ let's go!!” I slap her on the face, begin running through the halls
just a tiny little slap didn't know it would kill me! A tiny slap! That was all!

Were running in circles around a giant pillar parents don't seem to mind
There all caught up in the game! How could you blame them? I certainly would find
Shes starts to slow down as i turn around, she walks quietly right back to her room
Im safe at last! I say in my head, I thought I was safe from my doom

i turn around as I wake the other way
I hear footsteps getting louder, louder! and I yell “ NOT TODAY!!! “
She's gaining on me ready to attack! I trip, crash!
I see her run towards me faster than a flash!

She tackles me to the ground and gives me a slap on the face
I look at her and say “game over, you won the race..”
She gets off me and walks away, calls it a night
I think to myself NOW im safe, and no more fights.

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