Ed Sheeran | Teen Ink

Ed Sheeran

April 18, 2017
By ahaines_10 SILVER, Wilmington, Massachusetts
ahaines_10 SILVER, Wilmington, Massachusetts
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I love his music
I cherish every note
His voice, his lyrics
Both are so beautiful
They make me smile and they make me weep
Divide plays on my phone on repeat,
Time after time, I do not get sick of listening
I sing every lyric at the top of my lungs,
I blast the radio in the car,
His songs are so real, so beautiful and pure
They make me feel like I can be myself

His hair is orange like fire
He is perfectly imperfect
It is not just his music I love,
It is the message, his demeanor, his poise
He is so real, so relatable, yet so amazing

I will play his music loud for all to hear

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