Letting go | Teen Ink

Letting go

March 30, 2009
By Faith PLATINUM, Fairmount, North Dakota
Faith PLATINUM, Fairmount, North Dakota
22 articles 22 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
"Spell check can be wrong!"

As I watch you drive away I start to think of all the past I do not feel the tears stream down my face I wonder why once again I don't think I will regret this No it has taught me a lesson I can "I love you" but that would be wrong I do not believe I am too young for love only that you were not the one As I lay here staring up at the stars I realize I had been chasing love but how can I chase what is possibly behind me Then all at once an answer My phone rings and there you are My best Friend You've carried me all the way.

The author's comments:
Just kinda random words thrown together


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