The Wind Blows | Teen Ink

The Wind Blows

May 8, 2012
By lilqingting SILVER, Riverside, California
lilqingting SILVER, Riverside, California
8 articles 2 photos 0 comments

The wind blows, but we cannot see.
The treetops rock to the silent song.

The wind blows, but we cannot see,
The reeds sway to the mute beat.

The wind blows, but we cannot see,
The kites dance to the quavering call.

The wind blows, but we cannot see,
The grass bow to the overwhelming flow.

The wind blows, but we cannot see,
The leaves saltate to the pounding pulse.

The wind blows, but we cannot see,
The hair moves to the rhythmic voice.

The wind blows, but we cannot see,
The faces flush to the firm force.

The wind blows, but we cannot see,
The skin tingles to the coaxing tone.

The wind blows, but we cannot see,
The wind blows, but we cannot see.

The wind blows, we can see,
The wind blows, we can see.

The wind blows, I can see,
The wind blows, I can see.

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