Tyrael's Might | Teen Ink

Tyrael's Might

November 16, 2012
By C-Mac BRONZE, Hillsboro, North Dakota
C-Mac BRONZE, Hillsboro, North Dakota
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"I intend to live forever. So far, so good"

Tyrael the heavenly soldier rode along,
The man foretold of in verse and song,
The land of Middle Earth was under attack
Tyrael to be the one to stop them in their tracks

His gilded armor decorated with wings
His angelic visage is that of which bards sing
His sword made of the finest steel
Of any enemy’s skin, it would peel

He rode upon his white steed Shadowmane
Together they rode through the fog and rain
At the battle, they heard armor clang
And the voices of the enemies that saw him rang

Dismounting his knightly horse, the general shouted at him,
“The demon general Jor has just arrived! Our fate is grim!”
With a satisfied grin, Tyrael began at the battling crowd
He walked along, ignoring all those shouting aloud

With an inconceivable ease he sliced foes aside
The entire battle seemed to change its tide.
He kept a focused gaze upon the distance; unphased
But yet he kept swinging, no enemy getting but a graze

Clamoring upon a hill, the warrior did oversee
His eyes thrust upon that of his true enemy
With a stare and a grimace, the angel began his approach
Staring right back, the volcanic demon’s gaze encroached

With a gigantic leap, the warrior did lunge
But the strike the Demon did expunge
Sensing a counter, the demon swung his mighty claw
With an agile parry, the soldier struck upon the mighty beasts jaw

Staggering back, the monstrous apparition began his attack
The soldier’s armor he did crack
Out of the fissure was emitted a light,
Which gave a heavenly presence to the attacking blight

Solemnly they both did stare
An odd silence filled the battled-air
Mustering up all the strength he could
The angelic warrior made a final leap for all good

Upon the great Demon’s head his sword struck
Down went the beast into the bloodied grass and muck
The warrior stood, broken and torn
And then he collapsed, the bitter ground his body did adorn

All the cheers of victorious battle did halt
The others watched as the clouds in the sky opened like a vault
Tyrael’s lifeless body shone in the gleaming light
And then up ascended the angelic knight

The evil army pushed forth from the land
It was a victory that was most grand
But of the hero, nobody did forget
The glorious champion who had expelled the threat

For hundreds of years many will sing of his angelic sight
Of how he always swung with the greatest might
They sing of his bravery and honor most true
And to always remember, Tyrael, the angel is watching over you.

The author's comments:
I've always wanted to write a fantasy epic. Had a lot of fun with the rhyme scheme and creating the characters in my head.

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