Beautiful and Broken | Teen Ink

Beautiful and Broken

April 11, 2013
By EmileeBlu SILVER, Easley, South Carolina
EmileeBlu SILVER, Easley, South Carolina
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

To have his love is to have misery,
You'll see it in his eyes.
To know his soul is to know pity,
You'll be tormented by his cries.
To be in his heart is to be in pain,
And so I thought, that maybe if I tried,
Perhaps I could discover what else he hides.

Though now that he's close,
I can't let him go,
And I'm afraid of what I may find.

Each inhale he takes is raspy and coarse.
The brush of his skin rattles my corpse.
With every blink a tear falls down his cheek.
When he whispers my name my legs grow weak.
The boy before me is beautiful and broken.
What am I to do with this wound I've clawed open?

And oh, how it bleeds
As steady as he breathes.
Only in his shame do I see
The blood is spilling- From me

The author's comments:
The poem tells a story of a girl who falls in love with a boy who seems to be emotionally broken, which in turn leads to her accepting his wrongdoings and rather pities him instead of accusing him. She begins to believe that she is the cause of his pain and that she is to blame for his mistakes, when in the end, her love for him is causing her to only hurt herself.

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