A Resistance of the Distance | Teen Ink

A Resistance of the Distance

April 20, 2013
By EmileeBlu SILVER, Easley, South Carolina
EmileeBlu SILVER, Easley, South Carolina
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The closer I am
The farther you are
And your silence screams louder
Than the beating of my heart

So I must obtain
Because this temptation is
too crude
Oh, but yet the
Is greatest when I am
near you

And I should run, run away
But instead I stay right here
Because you needn't any words
To eliminate my fear

Just a gaze in your eye
A caressing of skin
And I'm undeniably willing
To fall in love all over again

And this relentless
Is but all that I cannot remain true to
Because of this bittersweet
That keeps me hopelessly chasing after you

The author's comments:
The narrator of the poem is being lured by another who keeps to his/her self, and though the narrator is aware that the other's company may be a silent and dangerous one, he/she cannot seem to resist the distance that keeps the narrator intrigued.

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