Rivalry | Teen Ink


August 10, 2013
By Gwyndolynne McDonald SILVER, Colfax, California
Gwyndolynne McDonald SILVER, Colfax, California
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

A struggled strife
Left many without a life
Bloodshed stained the ground
And attempt to strive
Was met with force
Their enemy thrived

Brought on by a life long family feud
None knew how it started
Those that had, were dead
Killed by meaningless words or actions

One man had ravished the other’s daughter
He promised to wed her
The father forbid him any right
His daughter was to marry a prestigious man
Not one that wasn’t honorable

Their love was thought to be forever lost
But they ran to a distant place, not ardent about the cost
Their conduct has never gone unseen
Never more was it a broken sheen

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