Seize The Moment | Teen Ink

Seize The Moment

January 5, 2014
By James Gilmore BRONZE, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
James Gilmore BRONZE, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Well this is it, the moment I have been waiting for this entire season. Our team finished
12-0, first in our diocese of over 120 schools. We blew through the play-offs entering first seat. Now I stand by the gym doors to determine the champion, and our opposers were trained not to give-in. For the past five years, they have been the continuous champions of the diocese.
Most might think I’m scared, but to tell you the truth, I am prepared.
All the effort and all the pain led up to this moment now, all we need to
Do is seize it. Funny thing is, our motto for this year was, “Seize the Moment.”
Showing our skepticism of ever reaching to where we are right now. This motto was so popular in our school that we created shirts, and students made banners to honor us.

We only had ten players on our team, and our school only contained one-hundred and fifty three students. You could imagine how much attention our team received. We were featured on the Post-Gazette and Herald to honor our success. Now everyone is at the game to see who will win; highlighted, The Underdogs vs. the Champs.

Now why did I call us the Underdogs? The answer is our school wasn’t the most financially-sound environment. Most sports organizations were funded by student’s parents who led the small team. Because of these detriments we weren’t expected to do well, but that was well disproved. It was because of our spirit in each other that led us to this moment today.

Enough with the chit-chat, I am almost late for the game. As I walked in, I could see all my fellow teammates warming up; as usual, we were as hot as we could be. Yet that doesn’t contrast from our foes; they too, were nailing every opportunity of a shot. I stood in my footsteps, coming to the realization of this moment. Anxiety and a faint sense of accomplishment ran through my mind. After I finished fantasizing, I immediately ran into the locker room to get prepared. Once dressed with my appropriate apparel, I sat and wondered again. I was now in an immense stare with the mascot of the Central Vikings (we played at Central since our gym is unsuitable to play on). “Hmm,” I thought. “What if we don’t win this game, and disappoint the thousands of people here today?” (At the end of the game our coach found that an overall 3,854 people attended our game) “No matter, even if we win or lose there has to be a reason for all those fans out there.”

I was left with that thought when I was instructed to get onto the court. It was now time to praise the Alma Mater following a prayer of good sportsmanship. Both teams lined up parallel to each other with both coaches on their appropriate side. Once our prayer was finished, we had to shake hands (the usual routine). “And now, Ladies and Gentlemen,” said the announcer, “The moment you have all been waiting for: CDTCA vs. St. Joes.”

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