To Be A Man... | Teen Ink

To Be A Man...

May 12, 2015
By abidedbyme SILVER, Jacksboro, Texas
abidedbyme SILVER, Jacksboro, Texas
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

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If you get so wrapped up in your own pain enough to not notice anyone else's. Then you might as well dig a hole in the ground and bury the dirt on over yourself because it won't really do you any good.

What's it like to be a man?

to feel like you control the lady.

What's it like to be the man who speaks of falsehood disguising himself as slim shady?

To get some, to win some, and at the end of the day, your prize possession is not enough for the sum.

So you set it aside only to be thrown away.


Your prize possession is just an obsession to deliver them in and use as a custom.

For your adolescence pays your prices because you don't like to feel lonesome.

What good does that do? to the girl at least.

Wrapped around your finger,

so naive,

to believe that your not going to leave.

She wears her heart on her sleeve,

solitary for you,

to know the life she lives is not the best one for any girl to go through.

But yet that doesn't stop you,

because at first you were touched, and now it's like the word "touch" is all that comes to mind after you sent her back for a refund.


Directly she sits equivalent to an item that builds dust desperately needing a touch-up.

But as you touch-up you touch her,

as if she is now something you prefer.

Her heart is not existence anymore,

her sleeve is torn.

Her private thoughts were captured by a stem painted green and a thorn,

an inflict,

that she for to pick, only to be pricked

and tricked by a flower that depicted a different image and contradicted what a rose really meant.


As her thumb bled,

she pointed to you for reasons she was in over her head.

"What's it like to be a man?" she said.

He replies, "I can lie, disguise, and convince ladies white roses are red."

The author's comments:

lol relationships are overated

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