The Ballad Of Procrastination | Teen Ink

The Ballad Of Procrastination

December 11, 2016
By AkatsukiSwag SILVER, Sheridan, Wyoming
AkatsukiSwag SILVER, Sheridan, Wyoming
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Mother Teresa — 'If you judge people, you have no time to love them.'

There once was a girl in a poetry class
Who was really an awful poet.
She was so much better at drawing pictures
And her sonnet clearly showed it.

She tried to work with both her friends
But they’d rather meme around
So she gave up and tried to write
Rather than be a work hound.

She saw on schoology Mr. Johnson had said
The topics were but a few
Love stories, recent events, supernatural as well
She supposed recent events would do.

She switched between her art and her work
And gave up on trying to fight
She’d rather her finish during her class
Than end up awake all night.

Lots of memes found their way on her browser
and lots of E-cards too
She truly needed inspiration,
What else was there to do?

And so she found herself at the sixth stanza
Her writing began to improve.
She kept on at it ecstatic. At last!
She found her poetry groove!

Being poetic was hard to do,
but she would manage it yet,
even though she’d waste lots of time 
surfing around on the net.

So while her buddies had empty pages
And she had something to do
She learned that day, don’t turn away
And you might just learn something new.

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