Dear Mom | Teen Ink

Dear Mom

September 1, 2018
By rhuston0321 BRONZE, South Bend, Indiana
rhuston0321 BRONZE, South Bend, Indiana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"I'm here for a good time not a long time"

The men you pick

Well mom you sure know how to pick them

They all have other kids but can’t take care of them

What makes you think we’re any different?

To them we are indifferent

How could you be so wrong?

Man mom they’re playing you like a song.

Then cut you off like a candle wick

But mom that’s just the men you pick.

You said.

“It’s easier for girls” you said

“You’re outgoing friends will be easy” you said

“Guys are nice in high school” you said

“High school isn’t hard” you said

“Life isn’t like in the movies” you said

“People don’t say bad things about you until you let them” you said

“Standing out is a good thing” you said

“You’re weight doesn’t matter” you said

Why isn’t life like what you said?

Spitting image

Everyone tells me we look just alike

To not agree would be unladylike

But mom I’m actually afraid of that you see

We aren't the same you and me

Reality is different for you

I don't think you have a clue

Our life is like a living hell

But in your head we’re doing well  

So mom this is why I cringe

I'm afraid to be your spitting image


Paycheck to paycheck

Man mom we can't keep living this way

Our lives are getting very grey

I'm surprised we aren't all skin and bones

Or that we all have phones

See every other Friday is a holiday

Because we know that's payday.

Not always yours but mine as well

So that day our bellies swell

Other days we eat like birds who peck

Because we live paycheck to paycheck

The author's comments:

This is a series of peoms i wrote to describe the mental absue and and neglect from my mother for the first 16 years of my life. In these peoms i hope you feel the pain i felt and continue to feel for my mother. Tank you for taking the time to read these. I hope you enjoy. 

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