Simply? | Teen Ink


November 16, 2018
By sidney-lynn BRONZE, Fort Wayne, Indiana
sidney-lynn BRONZE, Fort Wayne, Indiana
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
“Without music, life would be a mistake.”
― Friedrich Nietzsche

Hey dad, are you proud of me now?

After fours, I’m finally out of the dark

Hey momma, I should’ve prayed from the start

I should’ve known that there wasn’t a spark like the movies have.


Every time he said he loved me, and held me close

I would fall in love more and more

By those thoughts, I think now, what were they for?

Bruises spread across my face

After just saying that I simply needed some space


The feelings he had, were fake as can be

Obviously not, for our love to never succeed

We fought constantly I ask “why me?”

What was once love, now is suffering


Morning time isn’t complete without some makeup

All because I said that we should, breakup

As I look up in the mirror

I see a mess, contrasted from someone trying to look her best

I am just trying to smile

Just trying to love

Just trying to be happy

Just trying to shove away this hate

I am just trying not to take a while


I want to leave this house, and the memories

All of the hatred is tiring

I just want to be free


After four whole years of solitude

To anyone but him like the princesses locked in towers

Except the princess isn’t pretty this time

She is beaten down

Almost to the point where she looks used and tore

Her skin looks like a piece of paper got torn and ruined


Yet, being away from him is amazing

I can simply say that I am happy

And free

The author's comments:

Growing up with domestic violence has definitely been what sparked me to write the poem above, and also hope that someday people change their ways and don’t turn to violence for everything that they can think of.

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