The Emerald Curtain | Teen Ink

The Emerald Curtain

December 30, 2018
By NatalieP_showgirl BRONZE, Port Washington, New York
NatalieP_showgirl BRONZE, Port Washington, New York
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
“I can resist anything except temptation”—Oscar Wilde

The city shines,

the buildings tower,

And everyone in their rose-tinted glasses smiles,

and no one sees what is behind the emerald curtain.

I see.

The lion crumples,

and behind him winged monkeys soar,

The promise of a long-lost life dying in their eyes.

but no one sees what is behind the emerald curtain.

I see.

The scarecrow burns,

lit aflame by his darkest fear,

A pile of kindling, glowing madly against a bruised sky.

and yet no one sees what is behind the emerald curtain.

I see.

The tin woodman rusts,

and what was once shiny is now filthy,

Nothing more than a heap of garbage, beyond what even an oil can can salvage.

Still no one sees what is behind the emerald curtain.

I see.

My girl cries,

And I cannot lick her tears away.

I cannot get to her in her blue dress, cannot hop in her little basket.

She sees what is behind the emerald curtain, and will never forget.

She sees what I see, and it will haunt her forever.

And she gets up and walks away,

Ignoring my yips and yaps.

She is past me now, past us, past all of us.

So I close my eyes tight, and give one final breath.

And then I cannot see.

The author's comments:

This poem is told from the point of view of an iconic character from a well-known novel and movie, The Wizard of Oz, with the movie being by L. Frank Baum. It is about the repurcussions of concealing dangerous truths and what happens when those truths are discovered.

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