I am From | Teen Ink

I am From

February 14, 2019
By le_goose SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
le_goose SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
9 articles 0 photos 0 comments

This is a place where Badgers mine, cheeseheads roam, and beer’s like water...

where deer act like speed bumps.

I am from Wisconsin.

This is a place where Brewers used to be brave, Mr. Baseball sits, and Bernie slides...

where it’s a bubbler and not a water fountain.

I am from Milwaukee.

This is a place where we say “As One”, a winning reputation derives hate, and called “U of A”...

where the students drive nicer cars than the teachers.

I am from Arrowhead High School.

This is a place where the water is clear, spring fed, and US history lives…

where the water runs to the rest of the county.

I am from Lake Keesus

This is a place where families live, a lake road means lake road, and legend lies...

where the first house on the lake was supposedly built.

I am from Hillcrest Drive

This is a place where the floor is messy, the desk is barely used, and skis serve as shelves…

where I lay my head at night.

I am from my bedroom.

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