Odes Squirrals | Teen Ink

Odes Squirrals

March 14, 2019
By Shadowflash2120 SILVER, Wilminton, California
Shadowflash2120 SILVER, Wilminton, California
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

You are every where

in the forest up in the trees or

on top of city building.

Ode Squirrals run and climb any where

that might have food for you

to eat or to store for the next time.

Ode squirrals dogs chase you until they

catch you or you find safety up high

away from danger.

Ode squrrials fravite food is nuts or

srcaps that we people left on

the floor because of how mess to clean

and you come and eat the rest of the food that was left behind.

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