mac & cheese | Teen Ink

mac & cheese

March 27, 2019
By jingyan SILVER, New York, New York
jingyan SILVER, New York, New York
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

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i'd rather lose somebody than use somebody.

she’s wild

like a sunday afternoon in my grandpa’s house.

everyone screaming


then somehow

peaceful after a few


she’s pretty,

with her black long locks

framing her petite

face and chocolatey

eyes that melt

me into the disgusting

mac and cheese

i am.

i’m not wild,

she knows that-

i’m boring.

but she seems to stay and i know

that one day she leaves,

i will go wild

like a normal day in my house

where the chaos lurks and the


can’t seem to take over.

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