Going for a Walk | Teen Ink

Going for a Walk

April 3, 2019
By macyemanner3 BRONZE, Franklin Lakes, New Jersey
macyemanner3 BRONZE, Franklin Lakes, New Jersey
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Golden sunlight searches for a landing,

Scouring for a spot on this worn path of dirt.

You can hear the bright leaves shuffling, rearranging;

Seeing who can block the sun first.

You are reminded how a walk during fall calms your nerves,

That a chilly afternoon sharpens your senses.

The beautiful trail of burnt orange and red is lined with curves,

Surrounding trees provide the only natural fences.

Fresh air flows through you with every inhale,

As your lungs widen to welcome nature’s gift.

Never has the air been less stale,

Than today, when the seasons decided to shift.

The author's comments:

Hopefully the poem evokes an image of natural beauty and the calming effect Fall has on the human senses.

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