The | Teen Ink


April 5, 2019
By sophschwartz GOLD, Franklin Lakes, New Jersey
sophschwartz GOLD, Franklin Lakes, New Jersey
12 articles 0 photos 0 comments

5 small children sit on the their porch’s blue steps of as the sun hides under the clouds.
5 sets of miniature, sandy feet tap against the wooden planks,
5 small hands grasp towering and melting mountains of strawberry and cookie dough.
5 small bodies devour these larger than life frozen heavens.
a chorus of innocent laughs dances freely into the wind
through complaints of brain freeze.
their giggles are as sweet as the creamy cones they devour.
like magic their glee melts the chaos of the world away.
like a parent comforting a wailing child, 
their giggles hug me tightly.
As the memory passes through my mind I can not help but smile at that youthful bliss,
for I still fall victim to the contagious joy of those summer ice cream nights.
I only wish I knew then how quickly ice cream melts.

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