Snapshot of Summer | Teen Ink

Snapshot of Summer

April 8, 2019
By vivianwrites GOLD, Madison, Wisconsin
vivianwrites GOLD, Madison, Wisconsin
10 articles 0 photos 0 comments

A droplet of ice cream glistens beneath a pulsing sun,

poised precariously on the edge of a crisp cone,

threatening to plummet to the scorching ground.

A child giggles and shrieks,

their laughter a burbling fountain keeping them cool,

despite the oppressive heat.

A grill ignites, searing flames springing up to meet the meat

perched on its rack as anticipation nudges its way

into the stomachs of the adults standing around laughing, drinks in hand.

A teenager basks in the noon-time glow,

book out, music up,

uncomfortably hot, but comfortable with the knowledge of her appearance of coolness.

A snapshot of summer:

not a care in the world but the temperature.

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